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Sound Pressure and Impedance (SPL-IMP)

Task of the QC BASIC Software and QC STANDARD Software

Features and Benefits

  • Optimized for quality control applications, such as end-of-line testing
  • Included in the Klippel QC Standard and Basic Software package 
  • Comprehensive testing: combined acoustic (SPL) and electric (impedance) test
  • Fast testing with high sensitivity: amplitude and speed shaping (testing from 0.2 s for full audio bandwidth)
  • Comprehensive analysis based on chirp / sine sweep in acoustic, mechanic and electric domain according to IEC 60286
    • Fundamental frequency response, opt. windowing
    • Average Level, multiple band levels
    • Polarity (phase), time delay
    • Harmonic distortion (THD, 2nd-5th)
    • Track down defects: Rub&Buzz, HOHD
    • T/S parameter identification according to IEC 60286
    • Vented box parameters (fb, Qb)
    • Impedance magnitude and phase frequency response 
  • Production noise detection to avoid false rejects
  • Limits, Grades for all measures
  • Online yield, Cpk/Ppk, control rules

    The Sound Pressure and Impedance Task (SPL-IMP) is a comprehensive measurement task dedicated to straight-forward QC testing. It combines the speed and sensitivity of the SPL Task with the precise lumped parameter measurement of the Impedance Task. The excitation signal is a logarithmic chirp that allows very fast testing over the full bandwidth from 0.2 s according to IEC standard 60268-5, 21 and 22. 

    The SPL-IMP offers outstanding sensitivity (identical to the SPL task) for all kinds of distortion caused by undesired dynamics (e.g. rocking modes), manufacturing problems and defects (e.g. Rub & Buzz). Detecting defects with the highest sensitivity requires robustness against any external noise from production (EoL), which is included in this task. Note that some feature libraries and most add-ons are not available for SPL-IMP task. Use separate SPL and Impedance task instead for such application.


    Optional Extensions

    Options operate as plug-ins and extend the functionality of this task. 
    No additional test time is required, all options use or modify the excitation of this task.

    Add-Ons (to purchase):

    Feature Libraries (free of charge):

    • Calculate SPL Resonances:
      Provides resonance frequency and peak value for peaks in definable bands. Can be checked against limits.
    • Sequence Control:
      Repeats or skips measurement tasks with or without user interaction.
    • Square Wave Stimulus:
      Provides square wave chirp instead of sine chirp.
    • Relative Level to Golden DUT:
      Test average deviation to reference DUT
    • I/O (Input/Output)
      Adds additional I/O options (message box, set Digital Out after test)


    Test Hardware

    License Dongle (USB)




    Related Information

    Other Modules of the QC System

    Related Products 


    International Electrotechnical Commission
    IEC 60268-5, IEC 60268-22, IEC WD 63034

    Audio Engineering Society
    AES2-1984, AES2-1984, AES X241

    International Organization for Standardization
    ISO 266