dB-Lab Software
Project Management Software of the KLIPPEL R&D and QC SYSTEM
- Project-oriented Microsoft Windows application
- Configure and run measurements and simulations
- HTML + PDF report generator
- Templates for common setups
- Post-processing and export of graphics and data
dB-Lab hosts the various modules of the KLIPPEL Analyzer SYSTEMs as well as the KLIPPEL Controlled Sound Technology. It provides a consistent work environment to control measurements and visualize even large amounts of data.
Free viewer for visualizing results, download RnD Release here.
Automation Interface
The Automation Interface makes the functionality of the R&D modules available to your own applications and scripts. It is included in the dB-Lab.
- Integrate KLIPPEL with other hard- and software
- Speed up repetitive tasks
- Simplify user interface
- Automate task sequences
- Convert KLIPPEL results to any format you like
- Many script and programming environments supported
S12 Automation Interface
Please request Automation Package (reference, examples, tutorial) from info@klippel.de
Report Generator
Report Generator creates PDF and HTML reports with selected results from one or more operations. The layout and additional information, such as names, comments, company logo, etc., can be customized in HTML templates.
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dB-Lab Lifecycle
What's New in dB-Lab 212 - QC 7 (English Version or 中文版本)
What's New in dB-Lab 210 - QC 6 (English Version or 中文版本)
Germany: 102007005070; 1020120202717; 102014005381.4; 19714199; 4111884.7; 4336608.2; 43340407; 4332804.0; 102013012811; 102013021599.4; 102013000684; 102009033614; 102009033614; 10214407; US: 8,078,433; 14/436,222; 14/683,351; 6,058,195; 5,438,625; 6005952; 5.577.126; 5815585; 5,528,695; 14/499,379; 577,604; 8,964,996; 14/152,556; 12/819,455; 12/819,455; 7,221,167; China: 200810092055.4; 201380054458.9; 201510172626.5; 981062849;2014103769646; 2014107954970; 2014100795121; 201010228820.8; 201010228820.8; 03108708.6; Japan: 5364271; 2972708; Europe: 13786635.6; 0508392A2; Taiwan: 102137485; India: 844/MUMNP/2015; GB: 2324888; HK: 1020403; Korea: 1020140095591