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Other Useful 3rd Party Tools

Here you can find a list of useful hard- and software tools from other suppliers cooperating with KLIPPEL.

FEA2SCN - FEA to Scanning Vibrometer System

FEA2SCN are modules to link Finite Element Analyses with the Klippel Scanner Analysis (SCN System).

  • Interpolation of data from non-structured FEA-meshes
  • Allow acoustic and acceleration decomposition of FEA-results
  • Support for 2D and 3D models exploiting possible symmetries
  • Include simulation of electromagnetic motor system (T/S parameters)
  • Eliminates unacceptable long computational run-times of 3D non-axisymmetric transducers, passive radiators, loudspeaker cabinets, etc.

FEA2SCN is supported for ANSYS and COMSOL Multiphysics. Modules for other FEA-tools can be developed – contact True Technology.
Please find more information in Application Note 66.

VACS - post processing software by R&D Team

Test Chambers by Hill Acoustics

Tetrahedral Test Chambers by Hill Acoustics

Tetrahedral Test Chambers