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Versions of the QC Software

The KLIPPEL QC Software is available in different versions to meet the optimal price point and feature set for your particular test application and requirements.

The table below provides a quick overview over the most important differences.
For more information, please refer to particular version’s sites. 


More information about the versions of the QC Software

Note: The different versions of the QC software are completely defined by the available software license. The license level can be simply swapped without changing software installation. 

Video: Introduction to mostly used QC Version (QC Standard)

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 QC Standard  QC Stand-alone  QC Basic    QC Remote Configuration  QC Task in R&D System
KLPPEL Analyzer Support
3rd Party Audio Devices Support✔*
Included Test Task Types414
Unlimited Test Sequences
Statistical Limits
Ambient Noise Detection
Ultra-fast Testing
Add-On Modules Supported
Process Control Features
Wireless & Open Loop Testing


* No auto delay synchronization, no open loop testing.

QC Software Lifecycle

What's New in dB-Lab 212 - QC 7 (English Version or 中文版本)

What's New in dB-Lab 210 - QC 6 (English Version or 中文版本)