Motor + Suspension Check (MSC)
Optional Modules for the KLIPPEL QC Framework
Features and Benefits
- Patented nonlinear parameter measurement for QC
- Voice coil offset in mm
- Stiffness asymmetry in %
- Root cause information for diagnostics and process control
- Ensure maximum output and reliability
- Ensure consistency of production
- Ultra-fast testing at physical limit
- No additional sensors required (based on V, I)
The QC Motor + Suspension Checkis a unique tool for high-speed identification of nonlinear driver parameters on the production line. Based on patented KLIPPEL technology, effective linear and nonlinear parameters (Bl(x) and Kms(x)) are identified in order to derive meaningful single value parameters like voice coil offset and suspension asymmetry. This provides valuable information for taking immediate action to fix the causes of loudspeaker distortion, maximum output limitation or stability issues. The driver under test may be operated in free air as well as in sealed or vented enclosures, giving additional enclosure parameters (fb, Qb). Neither microphones nor mechanical sensors (lasers) are required, as all information is provided by the electrical input current, making the measurement immune to ambient noise.
Test Objects
The MSC can be applied for testing:
- (Sub)woofers
- Midrange drivers
- Micro-speakers
- Headphones
- Tweeters
- (Sub)woofer or midrange drive unit in vented box
- Actuators (shakers, LRAs)
Demo Experiment
- KLIPPEL Analyzer 3 (KA3) or
- Production Analyzer (PA)
- Operation with QC Stand-alone Software:
- Smart amplifier providing voltage/current sensing and audio streaming (e.g., Powersoft Mezzo)
License Dongle (USB)
- QC Standard Software or
- QC Stand-alone Software or
- R&D Software 210 or higher
- Power Amplifier
- KA3 Amplifier Card or
- KA3 QC Card or
- 3rd party amplifier
Demo Video
Application Notes
Related Information
Other Modules of the QC System
• Balanced Armature Check (BAC):
Test armature offset of BA drivers for earphones and hearing aids
• T/S Parameter Laser Fitting (TSX) add-on for Impedance Task (IMP):
Thiele Small parameter identification with laser
General Features of the QC System
• Comprehensive Testing
• Fast as a Flash
Related Products
• Large Signal Identification (LSI):
• Linear Parameter Identification (LPM):
Identification of linear electrical and mechanical parameters
• Suspension Part Measurement (SPM):
For linear and nonlinear testing
Literature and Papers
International Electrotechnical Commission
IEC 62458
Audio Engineering Society
AES X241
Germany: 102007005070; US;8,078,433B2; China: ZL200810092055.4; Japan: 5364271; India: 162/DEL/2008; Germany: 1020120202717; USA: 10,110,995; China:201380054458.9; Korea:10-2015-7012390; Taiwan: 102137485; India: 844/MUMNP/2015