You are here: Home / Products / R&D System / Modules / POL - Polar Far-Field Measurement

Polar Far-Field Measurement (POL)

Features and Benefits

  • Measurement under free field condition
  • Directivity in polar coordinates
  • Automatic control of turn-tables
  • 2D and 3D display modes (polar, baloon)
  • Open export interface (ASCII)

The POL module offers a fully automated measurement of the sound pressure on a spherical surface under free-field conditions in polar coordinates φ, θ and r. The measurement distance (r) should be larger than the largest dimension (d) of the device (r>>d) and the longest wavelength (r>>λ) to measure directivity in the far field.


Klippel Analyzer 3

dB-Lab Software
VACS Software by R&D Team

Transfer Function Measurement (TRF):
  Measurement of transfer function and harmonic distortion

Power Amplifier
• Turn table
• PC


Operation and/or object templates for this module are available when creating a new operation or object in dB-Lab. This provides application specific setups and standard conforms tests.
Please find details on templates in Application Note AN 1001.


Germany: 102013000684; USA: 9,584,939B2; China: 2014100795121