Material Parameter Measurement (MPM)
Features and Benefits
The Material Parameter Measurement Module (MPM) measures the Young’s (E) modulus and the loss factor η of the raw material used for loudspeaker design. The vibration beam technique (ASTM E 756-93) is modified to be capable of measuring also soft materials, such as thin foils of plastic, rubber and any kind of paper and impregnated fabric. After cutting 1cm strips, the probes are clamped on one side and excited pneumatically by using the Suspension Part Measurement bench (SPM bench).
Standard measurements
• Klippel Analyzer 3 (KA3)
• Material Parameter Measurement (MPM):
Software for parameter measurement: E modulus, loss factor
• Transfer Function Measurement (TRF):
Measurement of transfer function and harmonic distortion
• MPM Clamping Set
• SPM bench
• 1/4" Microphone
• Laser
• Amplifier
• Computer
Demo Video
Introduction MPM
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The figure (on the left) shows the user interface of the MPM software for measuring the Young’s (E) modulus and loss factor of material samples. The software automatically adjusts the voltage of the stimulus to generate the desired target value of the maximal displacement (in this example 1 mm). The density of the material, the thickness of the sample and the length of the beam are additional input parameters provided by the user.
American Society for Testing and Materials
ASTM E111 - 04, ASTM E756