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KLIPPEL Data Protection Notice - KLIPPEL User Training

What is the purpose of the stored data?

  • Providing information about the KLIPPEL User Training (e.g., invitation, the content of the training days, further material, and general organization information).
  • Providing you a quotation to register for the KLIPPEL User Training (if needed).
  • To verify and update the customer's data with the KLIPPEL data system. 

What data is stored?

  • The contact information you give us on our registration site for the KLIPPEL User Training
    (your name, mail address, company name, and company address, ...).

Where is the data stored?

  • On internal servers of Klippel GmbH in Germany.

Who has access to the data?

  • Klippel employees who are responsible for the event organization and customer support.

How long is the data stored?

  • Until the purpose of the data storage is fulfilled. This will be after three months after the end of the KLIPPEL User Training.

How can data be deleted?

What is the legal basis for data storage?

  • Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO: Mutual interest