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The all-in-one solution - The Multi-Scanning Workbench

New: Multi-Scanning Workbench

The KLIPPEL Multi-Scanning Workbench is now fully released bringing the near field holographic sound field scanning technology that provides directivity, sound power and room correction to a much smaller form factor.  

A gap has been filled for acoustic spatial measurements using a smaller form factor than the well-known, large Near-Field Scanning System (NFS). Based on the popular vibration scanner hardware (SCN), the automated acoustic scanning and the full spatial characteristics of sound sources by holography is now available. A hardware add-on (SCN-NF) extends existing vibration scanners to a multi-scanning workbench for other useful sensors such as microphone, probes, and magnetic sensors.

The main application is acoustic scanning in normal rooms. Thus, no anechoic room is required for accurate acoustic measurements. Typical devices under test are transducers and small audio devices (mobiles, smart speaker). Whereas the large Near-Field Scanner allows full and half space measurements, the Multi-Scanning Workbench is focused on half space configuration (using a baffle). The typical test time starts from as low as 5 minutes when assuming rotational symmetry. A full scan without any symmetry assumptions takes about 1 hour.

For more information watch our new product demonstration

Video: Multi-Scanning Workbench

The Multi-Scanning Workbench (formerly SCN hardware) now comes as complete hardware platform for vibration and sound pressure (or other domain) scans. Two separate software packages are available for mechanical and acoustical analysis. Please see our KLIPPEL Multi-Scanning Workbench - Package Example

Published articles

  • Shrink Your Lab, Not Your Results (originally published in Loudspeaker Industry Sourcebook, June 2021) explains our new all-in-one solution in general and focuses to help engineers downsize their R&D laboratory without compromising their measurement capabilities or accuracy and describe the new solution.
  • Comprehensive Transducer Testing in 24 Minutes (originally published in Voice Coil, May 2021) explains how to perform multi-domain measurements using a balanced mode radiator (BMR) loudspeaker.
  • Directivity Measurement of In-Wall Loudspeaker (originally published in Voice Coil, December 2021) details how Klippel’s holographic measurement approach for directivity testing provides comprehensive, easy-to-interpret data that is relevant for transducer engineers as well as audio system designers.

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Thursday, 2021-07-01 08:05 Age: 4 Years