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Programmable Post-Processing (PPP)

Features and Benefits

• User-defined post-processing of any dB-Lab results
• Very complex applications possible
• Uses SciLab expressions for calculation
• Visualizes result curves and single values in a flexible way
• Special documentation possible for user-defined applications
• Automatic import of input parameters and export of calculation results (also for batch-run) 

This module is designed for any post-processing of dB-Lab results using SciLab expressions. Those expressions can be user-defined in the UI of this module. Up to 4 input curves and 2 single values may be used for the calculation and each of them can be either pasted manually or imported from another dB-Lab operation automatically. Additionally, the calculation results can be exported to other dB-Lab operations for changing their setup. This feature may be used to automatically adjust some operations according to the results of a previous operation.
The Programmable Post-Processing (PPP) visualizes all results clearly within its result windows. The properties of all result curves and charts (e.g. curve names, colors or axis labels) can be adjusted independently. It is also possible to rearrange the different curves within the charts.


dB-Lab (version 210 or higher)

Related Information


International Electrotechnical Commission
IEC 60268-5, IEC 60268-21, IEC 61094-5, IEC WD 63034

International Organization for Standardization
ISO 4869-3