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InfoComm 2024

KLIPPEL at InfoComm in Las Vegas

In the middle of June, we will be exhibiting at InfoComm 2024. Be part of the fair trade and meet our North American Distributor Warkwyn and have a chat with them at booth C9920. Visit us and experience our product demonstrations about our KLIPPEL QC solution for efficient quality assurance of rental and installed audio systems as well as KLIPPEL Controlled Sound with Nuvoton's chip solution to stabilize the performance of loudspeakers.

To arrange a meeting with our engineers, please get in touch with us via email!

General Information 

Date: June 12-14, 2024
Location: Las Vegas Convention Center 
Booth: C9920 in Central Hall

More information on the InfoComm Website.

Experience our product demonstrations at booth C9920

Demo: KLIPPEL QC Software - Efficient Quality Assurance of Rental and Installed Audio Systems

  • Objective testing with KLIPPEL QC + Dante
  • Robust defect detection in any environment
  • Fast and simple to set up and operate
  • Mobile, cost-effective and scalable
  • No dedicated analyzer: hand-held microphone + audio-over-IP amplifier

How do you ensure consistent audio quality in rental audio equipment and how can you identify defective speakers in installed audio-over-IP audio systems? Objective testing is inevitable. But how to deal with varying acoustic conditions if there is no trained personnel and only a small budget? In our booth, we demonstrate how KLIPPEL solves those challenges for full-featured speaker testing with a small footprint. It only takes as much as the QC Stand-alone software, a hand-held microphone and a Dante smart amplifier with voltage/current sensing.


Demo: Klippel Controlled Sound (KCS) – Nonlinear Adaptive Loudspeaker Controller

  • More SPL and physical bass output
  • Active distortion compensation
  • Overload protection
  • Consistent speaker response for life
  • Enabling highly compact and efficient designs

In the race of competition among speaker manufacturers, who can build the best-sounding product with the highest output at the most interesting form factor? Grasp that competitive edge with Klippel Controlled Sound! Increase output, reduce distortion and maximize efficiency with this novel loudspeaker control solution that works best when needed the most: at high amplitudes. And then: Relax! KCS will keep your speaker protected under all conditions and even more: It will stabilize its designed performance over the entire lifetime, making speakers shine at their full performance. Always.

Monday, 2024-06-10 10:46 Age: 242 Days