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AN 68 Importing Polytec data in Klippel SCN Software

New Application Note AN 68

Measurements performed with scanning vibrometers are the basis for loudspeaker cone vibration and radiation analysis. Utilizing the decomposition techniques available in the Klippel SCN software provides valuable diagnostics of the loudspeaker behavior in an intuitive and streamlined interface.

This updated version Application Note AN 68 Importing Polytec Data into SCN provides step-by-step instructions to convert 2D or 3D vibration and geometry data from Polytec scanning systems into Klippel SCN Software files using the Poly2SCN Interface. Import vibrating structures into Klippel SCN software and analyze the acoustic properties of your test object.

Further information on KLIPPEL SCN Software and Poly2SCN Interface

Monday, 2021-11-29 10:12 Age: 3 Years