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A New QC Module - Multi-Tone Distortion

New module: MTD

In order to provide dedicated tools for standard-compliant audio testing, KLIPPEL released a new software module: QC Multi-tone Distortion (MTD) for efficient end-of-line testing. The Multi-Tone Distortion Task (MTD) is an add-on for our QC software framework that can be inserted as a test step (task) in any existing QC test. It ensures overall consistency of production electrically and acoustically.

The MTD task covers the following features and benefits:

  • Multi-tone stimulus
  • „Fingerprint“ testing of speakers and audio systems
  • Stimulating harmonics and intermodulation distortion 

Related Specification and Application Notes are:

More information can be found on our Multi-Tone Distortion Task (MTD) webpage.

Monday, 2020-07-13 14:19 Age: 5 Years