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Software / Prerequisites / 3rd Party

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Sept. 5, 2013
This page lists additional drivers and prerequisites provided by 3rd parties (usually Microsoft) required for some parts of our software.
They are included with CD distributions, but are separately available to reduce size of installations downloaded from the Klippel website.

We strongly recommend to download directly from the original creator. There you find the latest version supporting your preferred language.

Microsoft Download Center:

Licence for this software:
This software is not subject to the Klippel Licence Agreement. The installation contains the licence agreement of the original creator of the software.


dotNetFx40 Full x86 x64.exe Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.0.30319.148.11 MB
NetFx20SP1 x86.exe 23.61 MB
Prerequisites - Windows Installer 3.1 It is recommended to download this from the Microsoft web site. Last time we checked, the download link was here

Windows Installer is required on systems running Windows 2000 before installing the .NET 2.0 framework. It may also be required on some other systems. (.NET 2.0 Framework will ask for it if it is missing)
2.47 MB
Prerequisites - MDAC 2.0 This is normally included in the dB-Lab setup. This Download is made available for troubleshooting purposes only.7.75 MB
Klippel USB Driver update March 2010 NOTE: Install this driver only if you need support for one of the following systems:
- Windows XP 64 bit
- Windows Vista 64 bit
- Windows 7 (32 bit or 64 bit)

The driver requires the following versions
- Release: 202.45 or later
- Beta: 203.38 or later

If you install this driver for a Klippel device, earlier versions of the software will not recognize the hardware anymore.

This is a universal driver that supports multiple Klippel Devices.
53.94 KB