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Verified with KLIPPEL

Pending acceptance, all companies are welcome to use the trademark "Verified with KLIPPEL", owned by KLIPPEL GmbH, on end products or advertisement. With this trademark, you show your customers that you use state-of-the-art, accurate and reliable measuring tools to ensure the highest quality of your products. 


If you would like to use the "VERIFIED WITH KLIPPEL" logo, a successful completion of the qualification program is required. You can qualify for the two following certifications: 


To use the trademark logo for KLIPPEL DATA reports

With this option, you have permission to use the trademark on measurement data reports, product specifications or websites that refer to the design of the speaker only if R&D measurements have been performed with a KLIPPEL ANALYZER SYSTEM.


To use the trademark logo for PRODUCTS

With this option, you have permission to use the trademark on a specific product including packaging and associated advertisement material if R&D measurements and End-of-Line testing have been performed with a KLIPPEL ANALYZER SYSTEM.

To qualify for permission to use the "VERIFIED WITH KLIPPEL" logo, each applicant shall comply with several requirements, including the use of one or more KLIPPEL measurement systems in the development, testing, and manufacturing of loudspeakers. If you are interested in the complete qualification requirements, please contact We encourage your participation and look forward to supporting you in this process.

Requirements for Verified with KLIPPEL   Contact us